Submission Guidelines

1. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN number.

2. Paper format

- The papers should include abstract and key words.

- Papers should be sent in the form of MS Word with the regulated format: Font Times New Roman, Unicode; Size: 12; Paper size: width: 20 cm, height: 27 cm; Margin: top: 3.5 cm, bottom: 2,5 cm, left: 3 cm, right: 2 cm; first line: none, spacing: before: 6 pt; after: 0 pt, Line spacing: single.

- All citations listed in the reference page(s) must be included in the content of the paper and follow APA citation format (please refer to the APA website for more instruction)

- At the end of the paper, author(s) should briefly introduce themselves including academic title, degree, working institutions, research orientations, contact address, email, phone number.

- Please send the abstract and full papers to the conference following the format: Theme­_Full name of author.

For example: Theme1_TranVanNam


hahai cập nhật lúc: 2021-10-26 4:37:01 PM

Hue University of Education
34 Le Loi street, Hue city, Vietnam
Important Dates